Japan Programme for Activities
Implemented Jointly under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
This is a brief report
on the progress of the AIJ-Japan Programme.
1. Aim.
To enrich experience
that will contribute to an investigation into creating an international
framework in preparation for full-scale joint implementation of
the programme.
Through the joint
implementation of projects, establish a method to comprehensively
judge the net amount of reduction and absorption of greenhouse gases.
To seek measures
to promote private sector participation in the joint implementation.
2. Schedule
March 14, 1996:
In information meeting
held at the preparatory meeting for the Forum on Activities Implemented
Jointly (at UN University). The relevant authorities will explain
the Activities Implemented Jointly to local public bodies, NGOs and
April 1 - June 10:
Late June:
Mid July:
* The Second Conference
of the Climate Change Framework Treaty Partie.
3. On Forum on Activities
Implemented Jointly.
From the viewpoint
of aggressively promoting the Japan Programme for Activities Implemented
Jointly, occasions to exchange opinions between the government and related
organizations will be provided and the "Forum on Activities Implemented
Jointly" will be established to regularly provide information.
Members of this Forum will be mainly Ministries and Agencies involved
in the Activities Implemented Jointly and organizations related to these
authorities. A secretariat of the Forum will be located at the Forum
on the Earth and Human Environment and at the Global Industrial and
Social Progress Research Institute (GISPRI). Prior to the call for participation
in projects, a preparatory meeting for the Forum on Activities Implemented
Jointly will be held for industry, NGOs and local public bodies. After
the approval of primary projects (scheduled for late June), the first
forum will be held as an official meeting.